Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Scheme

Function-hiding functional commitment

Function-hiding functional commitment

1- A polynomial commitment scheme

2- A proof of function relation (PFR)

3- An algebric holographic proof (AHP)

We now review the three main elements in the tuple.


40380552: 02f407b3 mul a1,s0,5 4038055e: 004c addi a1,s0,11 40380552: 02f407b3 mul a1,s0,26

LD R1, 4 Mul R1, 5 => Gate 1, p=181 Add R1, 11 => Gate 2, p=181 Mul R1, 26 (== Div R1, 7) => Gate 3, p=181


and similarly

D- Therefore, output




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